Today I was updating the slide show for the next course. We already made this course in February and May 2021, so I only need to change the data on the big red square, inserting a new SVG.
But when on Smart Slider backend I noticed that the animation was incomplete.
2 red squares at the end of the show are missing.
And they are the most important, because one links directly to this course landing page and the other to a generic courses page.
Everything in the animation works fine until Smart Slider loads the 4 red squares with some text promo. Then the 4 squares slides down and after a few seconds other 2 red squares should took the place of the previous starting from the left.
But they are not visible.
In the backend (and also in the frontend, of course) I can see the boundaries of the shape, but not the images loaded, as you can see in this picture.
I’ve tried to reload, move, change some parameters, but nothing changed.
So I duplicate 2 of the previous red squares, I’ve moved in timeline, I’ve substituted the image with the new one (it’s the same of every previous course we made in the past) and everything works fine.
Then I added the link URL and the image disapperared again.